Smoking is the biggest cause of ill health and premature death in the U.K. by claiming over 120,000 lives per year, with smoking being the cause of one third of all cancer deaths (40,000 and 82% being lung cancer).
I have produced this list to highlight the main deadly ingredients a cigarette contains.
There are, in fact, over 600 ingredients in a cigarette ranging from the bizarre to the deadly.
The main ones only are listed below;
Formaldehyde – used for embalming dead bodies
Ammonia – household bleach
Acetone – paint stripper
Cadminium – used in batteries
Aluminium – metal linked with Alzheimer’s disease
Hydrochloric acid – industrial agent
Ethanol – used in antifreeze
Furfural – industrial alcohol
Maltol – strong alcohol
Para-methoxycinnamaldehyde.slug pellets
Nicotine – highly toxic nerve poison – A dosage of fifty thousandths of a gram will kill a person
Carbon monoxide – compound produced by car exhausts D.D.T – anned pesticide
Hydrogen cyanide……………..Used in gas chambers in the U.S.A
Others ingredients are as follows;
Hydroquinone; methacoeiin; methyl alcohol; methyl nitrate; ammonia; methlamine; hydrogen sulphide;
nickel compounds; benzo(a)pyrene; acetaldehyde; carbon dioxide; methyl ethyl ketone; crotonomitrile; nitrogen dioxide; hydrogen cyanide; hydrocyanic acid; acetonitrile; nitric oxide; acrylonitrile; pyridine; endrin; ethylamine; furfural; cadmium; butadione; nicotine; ddt; ethane; acethlene; metanol; phenol; creosol; benzene 2,3; methanr; isoprene; propane; acrolein; ethylene; tar (residue); metals …and many more.
The Bizarre
Cocoa, honey , almonds, caramel, geranium, bay leaf oil, carrot seed oil, coffee, lemongrass, celery seeds, vanilla pods, …and many more.
Stop Smoking Centres in Spain, Cabo Roig , Quesada , Benidorm